Start Using Questions to Create an Amazing 2025!

These tools from Connie A Baker, MA LPC will help you facilitate growth, healing and forward movement.

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Remapping My Beliefs

Deconstructing and Reimagining My Faith Journey.

Has your faith and spirituality changed over the years? Have you been a victim of spiritual abuse? This double card deck has questions to help you rethink your past, present, and future.


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Morning Inspiration

Have you already tried affirmations, quick fixes and formulas for your morning inspiration that are supposed to work for everyone… and maybe they are growing stale?

These questions are crafted to bring you fresh inspiration, focused intent and nourishment for your soul as you start your day!

Use these questions as a launching pad to create your own (even better!) questions.


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Goal Setting

Does goal setting sound humdrum, overwhelming, and/or exhausting? This deck of Goal Setting cards is specifically created for you! With a variety of thought-provoking, fresh questions for many different areas of your life, you will begin to see change happen quickly.

Find the answers you need from a brand-new perspective.


Remapping My Beliefs

Deconstructing and Reimagining My Faith Journey.

Has your faith and spirituality changed over the years? Have you been a victim of spiritual abuse? This double card deck has questions to help you rethink your past, present, and future.


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Morning Inspiration

Have you already tried affirmations, quick fixes and formulas for your morning inspiration that are supposed to work for everyone… and maybe they are growing stale?

These questions are crafted to bring you fresh inspiration, focused intent and nourishment for your soul as you start your day!

Use these questions as a launching pad to create your own (even better!) questions.


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Goal Setting

Does goal setting sound humdrum, overwhelming, and/or exhausting? This deck of Goal Setting cards is specifically created for you! With a variety of thought-provoking, fresh questions for many different areas of your life, you will begin to see change happen quickly.

Find the answers you need from a brand-new perspective.


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